Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Headed East

Ruby and I took the kids East last week to celebrate the Fourth of July in God's country. Truly. I really miss those mountains. We were sort of all over, but I'll start with Jonesborough. We were blessed with cooler weather there, which meant the kids spent almost all of their time outside. 

But first, a pic from my grandparents' porch, early one morning while I was taking in my coffee. Love those mountains.
Ben and Mary with Mamaw
Jack, staring down a bull. 

Feeding the cows
All the cousins.

One of my favorite parts of the trip. The boys played baseball with a rock and a stick -- is that called stickball? -- for about 2 hours. 

More of all the cousins, the goofy shot. 
Like I said, lots of playing outside. I found the boys like this on the first night. Ben fell out of the bed and never moved a muscle afterward.

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