Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Last Stop: Jonesborough

These are the last of my East Tennessee photos and for sure some of my favorites. There's something about Jonesborough that seems slower and more wholesome than a lot of my world. I love that my boys love it there and hope they always get excited about spending time with Mamaw and Papaw. 
When we arrived after Christmas, my Papaw was just a few days home from the hospital. He had a heart attack just before Christmas and had stents placed in his heart. He was moving a little slower than the rest of us, but still looked great. That meant, though, that Jack had to convince Uncle Steve to let him ride the tractor. It didn't take much convincing, and this time, Jack actually got to drive. He will be talking about that for months. 
And if Jack's getting a turn, so is Ms. Mary Beth. (Ben was inside, and let's hope it's many many years until he realizes there are tractor rides at Mamaw and Papaw's house. I'm not ready for that yet.)

 I think this is another one of my all-time favorites: proof these two really do like each other.

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