Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Now what?

Jack was invited to his first playdate this weekend. I'm blogging so I'll remember this week -- a big one for me as a parent. My lesson: playdates rock. His friend, Josh, invited him over to play on Sunday. All morning, he asked me if it was almost time to go. I've never seen the boy so giddy.

After dropping Jack off, and learning that I didn't need to stay, Ben and I were off. Honestly, it took me a minute to reload and figure out what I could do with my afternoon. One kid seems so easy. Ben and I headed to Target and the park -- and spent some much-needed one-on-one time together. It's a rarity these days. I remember spending so much time with Jack, just us. And I wonder sometimes if I've slighted Ben because he doesn't get that attention. On the flipside, he gets Jack, and I think it's a pretty good trade off. If nothing else, we're always entertained.

I'm marking this date because it's one of the first times I saw real independence from Jack. When he hit the door of Josh's house, he was off. I went to find him 15 minutes later to say goodbye, and I'm pretty sure he ignored me when I did. Four hours later, I had to drag him to the car. And the next day, he asked me if he could go to school early to play with his friends. All my friends told me this day would come -- a time when my kids don't need me so much. And I'm every cliche: unnerved by how fast this really does go, sad to see him growing up, happy to see him growing up.

Looking forward to my next new adventure...

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