Saturday, February 18, 2012

Whirlwind Week

John just got back from a ski trip to Denver with a couple of his high school friends and some air traffic controllers. He's already planning our move to Colorado -- where the air is cleaner and everyone seems a little happier. I told him I'm ready whenever he is, but he's going to have to tell our moms.
While he was gone, the boys and I ate a lot of frozen food -- Taquitos, pizza, chicken nuggets. The really healthy stuff. Jack pretty much moved into my bed, taking advantage of my weak will to say no and the fact that it's just easier to put him to bed when he lays in my room and watches TV. One morning, I found both of them (on either side of me).  
The great comedy of the week occurred 6 a.m.-7:45 a.m. each day -- when we were all trying to get out the door for school and work. I did pretty well, except for Wednesday, when I almost missed a morning meeting at work and hit a near panic trying to get there on time. The morning was capped off by me chasing Ben through preschool -- him barefoot -- trying to put shoes on him (I'm soooo getting mom of the year for carrying my kid into school barefoot in the middle of winter.) Then, Jack took control. 
Jack: "Ben! Be still. Mom is going to be late for work and be in big trouble! She's going to have to go to timeout for a long time!"

I made it to the meeting -- slid into my seat trying to appear cool and collected. As my dear friend Julie reminds me, "Fake it til you make it." Indeed.

John made it back late Thursday, delivered by a FedEx cargo plane. As part of his controller training, he rode cockpit to Denver (commercial) and back (FedEx) to see the pilot's side of things. Pretty cool ride, I thought.

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