Sunday, October 16, 2011

While We Were Out

Jack and Ben spent last week with Grammy and Pop, while John and I were in Mexico. They visited the zoo, train museum in Jackson and eventually made their way to Mount Juliet. I don't think Ben noticed we were gone for at least a couple of days.

First, a visit to the zoo where Jack overcame his longlasting uneasiness with the kamodo dragon. He's never been too willing to visit it, but after fearless Ben went to see it, Jack was convinced he'd be OK.

Later in week, on their way East, they hit the Casey Jones Home and Railroad Museum in Jackson. This is one of Jack's favorite places in the world and he was happy to introduce Ben to it.

And then, to Mount Juliet, where they visited with Great Grammy and cousins Anna and Ryan. Ben can't stop talking about going to see Anna.

And this is what a crazy week will do to you. Ben has fallen asleep before 6 the past two nights.

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