Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bobby and Birthday

It finally happened. Mark this day as the beginning of the end. Jack lost half of his constant companion, Bobby, this morning. A handmade blanket Jack has had since he was a baby, Bobby has been unraveling for weeks. Today, it separated into two parts. The blanket was a gift from my high school boyfriend's mother and is Jack's great comforter. Nevertheless, I had hoped he could part with it before middle school.

On the left, the portion that we've saved. On the right, the knotted up mess that I've since hidden. I'll throw it away eventually, maybe I'm emotionally attached to it too. It has, after all, been around as long as Jack. And if Jack had his way, he'd take it with him everywhere but the bathtub. In fact, the last meltdown we had (yesterday) was because I refused to let him take the blanket with us to run errands yesterday. Lots of tears. That being said, I was pleasantly surprised that he was just fine with losing part of Bobby today, as long as he got to keep some part of him.

That's the Bobby part of this post. Onto the birthday part.

The boys and I made John a birthday cake this afternoon -- Jack is still trying to master cracking an egg and Ben is great at dumping cake mix in a bowl. We decided to make the cake early, because I know that I won't be up for cake baking on Tuesday night after work. No one seemed to mind.

My version is above. I worked hard to try to keep the layers straight, forgetting I'm the only one here who notices things like that. Jack's version is below. He insisted on adding a Transformer and Robin (from Batman and Robin). Nothing like living in a house with three boys.

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