Saturday, May 21, 2011

Memphis BBQ Fest

Memphis in May had a soggy year. The recent floods moved Memphis BBQ Fest from the banks of the Mississippi River to Tiger Lane near the Liberty Bowl Stadium. I've lived here five years, but this is the first time I've made it to barbecue fest. (I have babies in May instead.) My first BBQ Fest didn't disappoint, and I think I ate my weight in ribs.

Ruby invited John and I to KPMG's friends and family tent, where we were able to meet up with our cousin, Allison, and her husband, Steve. We always have great stories to share when we get together. Thankfully, Ruby and I have found two great go-to babysitters, so we were able to all go to an event together.

Me and my sis

Ruby, me and Allison. (Yes, we clumbed up on a fountain).

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