Greetings from Memphis. As we settle into fall, I thought I'd share some photos from today -- Jack's first soccer game.
Since I last posted, the Mettees have been on a wild ride. Ben is running. Jack is now tonsil-less and our house is for sell. My mom and Don finally tied the knot, we had a great extended family vacation to Hilton Head and the boys started new schools. And then, I got to help open Memphis' new $340 million children's hospital.
We are getting ready for the most wonderful time of the year, aka football season. John and I both have Fantasy Football leagues, and I'm just dying to teach Ben to say "Go Big Orange" and, of course," Go Titans Go!"
We're also awaiting the arrival of our newest nephew, Mason Hancock. Jack has already asked Aunt Ruby why she can't just take him out already. We did, after all, have a shower for the baby last weekend and he didn't even get to come to the party.
Anyway, thought I'd share some pics from today. Gotta go make cupcakes with my favorite soccer player.